The Government of Ontario is implementing a new framework for broader public sector executive compensation. The Executive Compensation Framework regulation came into effect on September 6, 2016. It applies to all designated employers under the Broader Public Sector Executive Compensation Act, 2014 (BPSECA) and establishes requirements that designated broader public sector employers must meet when setting compensation.
Ontario is now implementing a new framework for broader public sector executive compensation, including capping salary and performance-related payments for hospitals, colleges and universities and other government agencies.
Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC) has posted a document for an Executive Compensation Framework below. This is a statutory requirement that allows the public 30 days to offer comment on how the agency establishes salaries and benefits for MTCC executives. The public is invited to review this draft document and submit their thoughts by February 24th, 2018. This consultation window has ended and is now closed.